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07 December 2014
06 December 2014
Catholicos Aram I of the See of Cilicia in UAE
Catholicos Aram I of the See of Cilicia visited the Armenian Church of Sharjah yesterday. See below his sermon on this occasion (in Western Armenian).
In the sermon he explained the meaning of being true Christian. Also he saluted all Armenians who contribute to the advancement of the UAE community regardless of their affiliations. He also praised UAE leadership for taking care of people from all religions and nationalities in this country.
He met with representatives of Armenian organizations and councils yesterday evening in city hotel.
His Holiness will remain in UAE until 13 December during which he will meet with community personalities.
Today he is visiting the Armenian weekly school.
Scheduled activities in Abu Dhabi:
1) The highlight of the visit:
Consecration of the Holy Martyrs' Armenian Church in Abu Dhabi
12 December 2014, 04:00pm
2) Public reception (gala dinner) in honor of HH Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
St. Regis Hotel, Corniche Abu Dhabi
12 December 2014, 08:30pm
Entrance fee: 350 Dirhams
20 October 2014
Keeping the traditions of Kutahya Armenians
28 September 2014
27 September 2014
“A Middle East With No Minorities?”
Reverend Paul Haidostian, President of Beirut-based Haigazian University, will be the guest of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies at a lunch-time conversation to be held on Monday, September 29, 2014, at noon at the Doheny Memorial Library Room 244, on campus.
Entitled "A Middle East Without Minorities?" Dr. Haidostian will speak about the recent turmoil in the Middle East and its impact on the various ethnic and religious minorities of the region. USC Professor of International Relations, Dr. Laurie Brand, will be guiding the discussion.
Rev. Haidostian has been president of Haigazian since 2002. In addition to his local and international responsibilities in educational, religious and ecumenical organizations, he teaches, lectures, and writes in Armenian, Arabic and English on a wide variety of topics including Armenian identity, ecumenism, youth, social issues, theology, religion, and community.
Rev. Haidostian is currently the Chair of the Central Committee of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. He will be a guest at the Institute's anniversary gala to be held at the Beverly Hilton on September 28.
Dr. Laurie Brand is a professor of international relations at the University of Southern California School of International Relations. She specializes in the international relations of the Middle East, including political economy of the region and inter-Arab relations. She is the author of several books on the region, including most recently, Official Stories: Politics and National Narratives in Egypt and Algeria, published by Stanford University Press. She is a past president of the Middle East Studies Association of North America in 2004.
Salpi Ghazarian, the newly appointed director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, says, "We invite the community to the USC campus to this program. This is not a lecture. It's a conversation between two people who know the region well. Dr. Haidostian's intimate knowledge of the Middle East, and his readiness to share his insights are very valuable, now, at a time when we are all trying to understand what is happening in the Middle East, and why. Dr. Laurie Brand heads USC's Middle East Studies Program and we're grateful for her participation."
Lunch will be served.
The event will be live streamed at:
Directions and parking information:
We advise guests to park in Parking Structure D, which is located on the corner of Jefferson and Figueroa (across from the Shrine). See attached map for the location of the event (Doheny Memorial Library, Room 244).
Please call (562) 508-8474 if you have any questions regarding the event, including parking and directions.
About the Institute
Established in 2005, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies supports multidisciplinary scholarship to re-define, explore and study the complex issues that make up the contemporary Armenian experience — from post-Genocide to the developing Republic of Armenia to the evolving Diaspora. The institute encourages research, publications and public service, and benefits from communication technologies that link together the global academic and Armenian communities.
12 September 2014
Basque Parliament recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh self-determination
On Friday, September 12, 2014, a European Union regional parliament has, for the first time in history, adopted a motion supporting the self-determination of Nagorno-Karabakh following several official visits to the region that were organized by European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA, and the commitment of EuFoA contacts' network.
The motion adopted today by the Basque Parliament praises the strong determination of the Nagorno-Karabakh people in their choice for democracy, despite the hard and difficult situation. In addition, it states that Karabakhi people have the right to decide their own future, namely their self-determination, which is the fundamental element in any negotiation for the final settlement of the conflict. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of Nagorno-Karabakh's participation in the OSCE Minsk Group conflict resolution negotiations.
Nagorno-Karabakh's Foreign Minister, Karen Mirzoyan, with the assistance of
"I am particularly pleased by the acknowledgment of the democratic governance development of Nagorno-Karabakh and the recognition of the efforts they are doing in transposing EU legislation. The Nagorno-Karabakh society should be proud that their commitment for democracy as an inalienable part of the European space is not only recognized in the US, but also in the EU," says EuFoA Director Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa.
The Basque country is one of Spain's 17 autonomous communities since 1979 and has a population of approximately 2.5 million people. It has its own executive and legislative institutions. The Basque government is among the sub-state governments that enjoys the highest level of competences in the European Union. Basque authorities are competent to lead policies in domains such as fiscal policy and tax collection or police management, having its own police force, among other more classic competences at regional level, such as health, education, from elementary schools to universities, or territorial development. Moreover, the Basque country has its own External Actions Service, at the head of a network of over 200 political and cultural delegations worldwide. From an economic point of view, the Basque country represents one of the European Union most developed areas, showing an annual GDP per capital of over 31 000€, 20 % higher than the EU average (25 700€).
EuFoA provide
11 September 2014
Live Broadcast: International Hrant Dink Award

15 September 2014
between 20:00- 22:00
The International Hrant Dink Award Ceremony, which will be presented for the sixth time on Hrant Dink's birthday, September 15, will be broadcasted live in English on and
The details of the night will also be available on Facebook pages 'Uluslararası Hrant Dink Ödülü / International Hrant Dink Award' and 'Hrant Dink Vakfı / Hrant Dink Foundation / Հրանդ Տինք Հիմնարկ' and 'HrantDinkVakfi' ve 'HrantDinkAward' accounts on Twitter in 3 languages, being Turkish, English and Armenian.
The award ceremony will take place on September 15th, 2014 between the hours 20.00-22.00 (between UTC/GMT +2 hours and UTC/GMT +4 hours) at Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall. At the ceremony, Ara Dinkjian and Ari Hergel will take to the stage, and the awardees of 2014 will be announced. The ceremony will be presented by Olgun Simsek.
The Jury of the International Hrant Dink Award 2014 consists of Baskın Oran, Gerard Libaridian, Kenneth Roth, Kumi Naidoo, Mary Kaldor, Nataša Kandić, Saturday Mothers / People, Oya Baydar and Rakel Dink
Every year, the award is presented to two people, groups or institutions from inside and outside Turkey, who work for a world free of discrimination, racism, and violence, take personal risks for their ideals, use the language of peace, and by doing so, inspire and encourage others.
With this award, the Foundation aims to remind to all those who struggle for these ideals that their voices are heard, their work is visible and that they are not alone, and also to encourage everyone to fight for their ideals.
Alper Görmüş, Amira Hass, the Conscientious Objection Movement of Turkey, Baltasar Garzón, Ahmet Altan, Lydia Cacho, İsmail Beşikçi, International MEMORIAL Society, Nataša Kandić and Saturday Mothers / People are the former laureates of the International Hrant Dink Award.
26 August 2014
Asbarez & Aztag Editors Discuss Challenges for Middle East Armenians
Asbarez editor Apo Boghigian (left) with Beirut's Aztag daily editor Shahan Kandaharian at a press conference in Yerevan. (Photo: Photolur)
YEREVAN (ArmRadio)—Recent events in the Middle East suggest that motives and geopolitical goals have changed. The situation will inevitably affect the large Armenian communities formed in the Middle East in the last one hundred years since the Armenian Genocide. But all is not against Armenians, editor-in-chief of the Beirut-based Aztag daily newspaper Shahan Kandaharian and editor of Los Angeles-based Asbarez daily Apo Boghigian told reporters in Yerevan.
The ongoing instability and new developments in Middle East countries with large Armenian communities are of strategic importance for Armenians both in Armenia and the diaspora, they said.
According to Shahan Kandaharian, the trend of events has considerably changed and has grown into a struggle for resources.
"The Arab Spring has now changed its face, and the radical expressions of Islamism constitute the major threat today both for the region and the world," he said.
Kandaharian said the situation in Lebanon is relatively calm compared to its neighboring countries. He believes Lebanon will not engage in what he called a regional war. He considers, however, that difficult days are awaiting the Armenians of the Middle East. The question refers to the migration of Armenians, who are leaving mostly in two directions – Lebanon or Armenia. Whether they move permanently or temporarily is a different question, he added.
Speaking about the American Armenian Diaspora, Asbarez editor Apo Boghigian said: "We should create a situation where we can turn the loss into some gain. The US is an environment where there is an issue of survival. The problems of assimilation and maintenance of the Armenian organizations can no longer remain unsolved. We need to search for new ways, new methods."
Thus, the new situation is a challenge to Armenia, and particularly the Ministry of Diaspora. Major problems are the preservation of language and the availability of authentic information to avoid unnecessary panic. Apo Boghigian pointed to the Kessab events as an example of unsuccessful media coverage of an event.
19 August 2014
Fwd: USC Dornsife's Dean Kay Appoints New Armenian Institute Director and Faculty
01 August 2014
Karabagh unveils new homes for Syrian-Armenians
German film director of Turkish origin Fatih Akin's new film
The movie is in German language and starts from the city of Mardin in Turkey.
See the trailer. Movie will be available in October. Now it is being displayed in the Venice Film Festival.